Angel BBnaija Biography, Age, Relationship status, Net worth
Angel BBnaija Biography
BBNaija Angel was born in 2000 to parents living in London. Angel is originally from Akwa Ibom state. She lived in Nigeria while her parents lived in London.
BBNaija Angel attended Marywood Girls College in Lagos and then the University of Lagos (Unilag) where she studied for about two weeks.
Searches for Angel Big Brother Naija Housemate:
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BBNaija Angel Relationship status
The 22-year-old was in a relationship before she moved into the house. BBNaija Angel shared the sad story of how she lost her first boyfriend in 2019.
BBNaija Angel is “single and ready to mix it up,” in her own words about her relationship status. BBNaija Angel announced that she is not ready to get into a serious relationship until she recovers from her boyfriend’s death.
Angel Smith’s Net worth
Angel Smith is currently going strong in the entertainment world with an estimated net worth of around $260,000 dollars.
She is very active on social media and has a large following. You can reach her on her Instagram handle or follow her: @theangeljbsmith.
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