Education News

Matric Results Release Date 2023

In just a few weeks, the Grade 12  Matric Class of 2023 will receive their examination results. Here are the steps taken by the education department before the results can be released to the learners.
Matric Results Release Date

Matric Results Release Date 2023

Step 1 – Matrics Begin Final Exams
Matriculants commenced with their National Senior Certificate (NSC) examinations on 27 October 2023. The first exam kicked off the 2023 matric exam season with just below 900 000 learners writing various examinations for a 6-week period.
Step 2 – Marking Starts
More than 41 000 markers were employed by the Department of Basic Education (DBE) to mark at 193 marking centers in the country’s nine provinces. The marking process took place between 8 December 2023 and ended on 22 December 2023
Step 3 – Capturing Marks
Once the scripts were marked, the marks obtained by the students had to be captured. The process of mark capturing concluded on 27 December 2023.
Step 4 – NEIC meeting
In the first week of January 2023, the National Examinations Irregularities Committee (NEIC) meeting took place.
The NEIC supports the Provincial Departments of Education to ensure the credibility of the examination is maintained and also coordinates the handling of irregularities on a national level to ensure that a consistent approach is implemented in the handling of all irregularities.
This process concluded on 3 January 2023.
Step 5 – Pre-standardisation meeting (DBE)
The Department of Basic Education hosts its own pre-standardization meeting before presenting its findings to Umalusi.
Step 6 – Umalusi Standardisation
Umalusi is the body that ensures that examinations are up to standard. They monitor and set the standard for the matric examinations. They will commence with the standardization process on 6 January 2023.
Step 7 – Umalusi Approval of Results
On 14 January 2023, Umalusi is expected to announce its approval of the 2023 NSC examination results.
Step 8 – Ministerial Announcement
On 20 January 2023, the Minister of Basic Education will announce the outcome of the results of the 2023 NSC examinations. Here information about the pass rate of South Africa’s nine provinces is shared with the country. In the past, learners who have achieved excellent results are also celebrated.
Step 9 – Provincial Release of Results
On 21 January 2023, a day after the ministerial announcement, provinces will be authorized to release their results. It is on this day when matriculates can expect to receive their 2023 matric results.

How can I get my matric result?

  1. Dial *120*35658# on the release date.
  2. Answer a few multiple questions.
  3. Enter your ID number.
  4. You will get your matric results per subject.
  5. USSD rates apply.

Is matric results out for 2023?

The 2023 matric results will be released on 21 January 2023. Usually, it is released in the first week of January every year.

How do I check my Gauteng matric results online?

Ways of checking your matriculation exam outcome online
All you need to do is dial 12035658#.

How can I get my matric results via SMS 2023?

  1. Dial *120*35658# on the release date.
  2. Answer a few multiple questions.
  3. Enter your ID number.
  4. You will get your matric results per subject.
  5. USSD rates apply.

How many points do you need to pass matric?

As a matric student, you need to take at least 7 subjects and at the least, you need to pass your home language at a minimum of 40%, two other subjects at 40% as well, and three others at 30%, in order to obtain a higher certificate pass.

Lost/Replacement Of Certificate Application Procedures

Umalusi is responsible for the replacement of the Senior Certificate and National Senior Certificate as of September 1992.
NOTE: Applications for lost or replacement certificates must be done at any Department of Education NOT directly with Umalusi.
To apply for a replacement (in lieu of a lost certificate) of your Matric/Gr12 certificate, the following is required:

  1. A completed application form can be obtained at any of the Departments of Education or on the website of the National Department of Basic Education (

Application forms must be completed taking care of the detail required, e.g. year qualifications obtained, surname and names under which the person qualified for the certificate, and where possible the school name.
Applications for lost certificate / re-issues can be done at any of the Departments of Education, irrespective of where you wrote your matric, for example, if you have written the exam at a school in Eastern Cape, you can approach the Mpumalanga Department of Education for a replacement certificate. This statement is in the exception of IEB and SACAI, as lost certificates can only be applied from them.

  1. An affidavit – All applications for replacement of lost/damaged certificates should be accompanied by a signed affidavit from a police station stating the status of the original certificate e.g. stolen; or lost in a move.
  2. A certified copy of the candidate’s identity document is required. (This copy must be certified by a commissioner of oaths. A copy can be made and certified either at a police station or at an attorney’s office where they should do it for free).
  3. Proof of payment of administration fees – An administration fee is payable with a request for a certificate. The fee payable can be established with the accredited assessment body. The fee is reviewed on an annual basis.
  4. An electronic request must be submitted to Umalusi by the Assessment Body after processing an application form. This request should be sent in a form of a dataset as stipulated by the Council.

It should be noted that the previous certificate is canceled when a replacement certificate is issued. Should it happen that a candidate finds a certificate that was lost/replaced, then the candidate should know that the certificate is invalid.
Please note the following important information:
A certificate cannot be issued on the same day that the application is submitted. The processing time is 1 – 6 weeks under normal circumstances.
A request for replacements of certificates obtained prior to November 1992 can be made from the office of any of the Departments of Education and the same procedure is followed. However, it should be noted that this certificate will be printed by the relevant Assessment Body and not Umalusi. The processing time is 1 to 3 weeks under normal circumstances.

What time are the NSC matric results coming out?

The DBE (Department of Basic Education) has just announced that the 2023 Matric Exams will be completed by 15 December this year.
On 20 January 2023, the Minister of Basic Education will announce the outcome of the results of the 2023 NSC examinations.
And the matric class of 2023 will get their results on 21 January 2023.

Which province is leading in matric results?

The national pass rate for the 2019 NSC was 81.3% – a 3% increase from the previous year. The Free State had the highest pass rate at 88.4%, followed by Gauteng with 87.2%, the North West with 86.8% and Western Cape with 82.3%. KwaZulu-Natal obtained 81.3% and Mpumalanga 80.3%.

How Do I Get My Old Matric Results?

Go to the nearest DBE/ PED offices with the following documents:

  1. An affidavit stating what happened to your certificate (i.e. if it is lost or damaged).
  2. The original national/ senior certificate (if it is damaged). This is not applicable if it is lost.
  3. Your original identity document (ID) and a certified copy.

Can you fail Afrikaans and still pass matric?

You may fail one subject. The requirements here are 40% for your Home Language. One of your languages must be either English or Afrikaans.

How Much Does It Cost to Replace a Lost Matric Certificate?

How much does it cost? It will cost you R130. 00 for the Replacement certificate, and if you want a statement of results, it will cost you an additional R50.

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