SRD Grant Payments | SASSA Website

SRD Grant Payments Can Now Be Collected At More Points

Collecting your Sassa grant has just become easier as more points are opened for R350 grant collection. Millions of South Africans benefit from this grant which was created in response to the #Covid-19 pandemic.
SRD Grant Payments
With over 10 million people benefitting from the Sassa Special Relief of Distress (SRD) grant, having more grant payment options would then make things much more convenient. Now, new points of the collection have been announced.
The Shoprite Group has now made it possible for R350 grant holders to fetch their SRD grant payments at any of their 1 286 supermarkets across South Africa, which include Checkers, USave, OK, and Shoprite stores.

SRD Grant Payments | SASSA Website

statement released by the group said:

Following the extension of the grant for another 12 months, customers can now access it at the till point in any Shoprite, Checkers, Usave and selected OK Foods supermarkets nationally.

They further said that this enables customers to receive their grants, buy essential groceries, and pay their bills in a single location.

How Should R350 Grant Beneficiaries Go About Fetching Their Grants at Any of These Stores?

You would need to provide your ID and cellphone number. Beneficiaries need to ensure that this must be the same cellphone number that they used to register on the Sassa database, as a confirmation pin will be sent to this number to prevent fraud.

Grants are available from this month for all customers who have already registered online or at the Post Office. In-store registrations are not available.

How To Track R350 Grant Application

In February, President Cyril Ramaphosa announced that the SRD grant will be extended for another year until the end of March…

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