Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship 2023/2024 | How to Apply

Stipendium Hungaricum Call for South Africans 2023

 Frequently Asked Questions: 

Q: I am currently in the third year of my five-year university programme  – will I be allowed to transfer to a new university under the scholarship? 

Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship

A: Unfortunately, regardless of the circumstances, the DHET is not able to facilitate your transfer to another university. Applicants are advised to approach the university directly to enquire about the possibility and process involved, if applicable.

Q: Does the scholarship cover medical degrees?

A: Applicants from South Africa are only eligible to apply to the University of Pecs or the University of Debrecen.

Q: I have begun with my application for the scholarship, but the university application process link redirects me to a page indicating that university applications are not open – what do I do now?

A: If the university link is not working, we advise applicants to inquire with the identified university as to when they will be opening for applications as dates vary from one institution to another.

Q: The application process requires a certificate of language proficiency. How can I get one?

A: We have uploaded the letter regarding language proficiency to our website, you will find the letter under Documents and links: Letter confirming English as a medium of instruction in South Africa.

Q: The deadline for submitting an application for Stipendium Hungaricum is the 15th of January 2023, however, I won’t have the matric results until after the deadline.

A: Your application will be assessed based on the information provided, your grade 11 results or grade 12 mid-year results. However, any assessment would be provisional and conditional on the final results.

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